Get your business online for free

Our flexible website tools can help you sell products, schedule appointments, and more. And built‑in marketing features help you grow.

Example of a stores homepage, with a second panel that includes website styling options.

Create a beautiful website at no cost

Whether you're an established business or just getting started, our website builder’s flexible styles make it easy to design a site that looks and feels like you.

Example of a stores homepage, with a second panel that includes items in a shopping cart.

All you need to launch a store

Build a store for free, and use built-in marketing tools like abandoned cart emails to drive traffic and sales.

Screen where you add details about a service that customers can schedule through your website.

Appointments are as easy as 1‑2‑3

Offer and manage services that your customers can book directly from your website with appointment scheduling.

  Illustration of a search bar with fireworks shooting out of it

It all starts with the right domain

Need a Domain?

Quickly find one that's perfect for your business.

Already have a domain?

Connect it and start building your website or landing page.

Your website is only the beginning.

With Mailchimp, you also have all the marketing tools you need to spread the word after you hit publish.

Ejemplo de diseño de un anuncio para un nuevo producto generado por el Asistente creativo.

Grow and engage your audience

Capture all the contact information you need to delight your customers with personalized campaigns.

Tick Small Check Yes  Built-in signup form
Tick Small Check Yes  Pop-up forms
Tick Small Check Yes  Surveys
Tick Small Check Yes  Marketing CRM
Tick Small Check Yes  Behavioral targeting

Example of an ad design for a new product generated by Creative Assistant.

Create content, your way

Look like the business you want to be with tools that take your brand beyond a website.

Tick Small Check Yes  Content Studio
Tick Small Check Yes  Multichannel branding
Tick Small Check Yes  Creative Assistant

Representation of a customer journey where someone buys a product and then gets a followup product recommendation email.

Automate your marketing

More sales, less effort. Start conversations and keep them going, while you do other stuff.

Tick Small Check Yes  Customer Journey Builder
Tick Small Check Yes  Send Time Optimization
Tick Small Check Yes  Transactional Email (designed for developers)

Line graph showing open and click analytics over a 24-hour period.

Insights for smarter marketing

Our reports and analytics help you track performance so you can continuously improve.

Tick Small Check Yes  Visits
Tick Small Check Yes  Clicks
Tick Small Check Yes  Subscribes
Tick Small Check Yes  Conversion Rate

Keep pushing forward. We've got your back.

Award-winning support

Get the help you need, whenever you need it with our 24/7 support.

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250+ app integrations

You can connect all your tools to Mailchimp and unlock even more features.

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A directory of trusted pros

Take your marketing to the next level when you work with a Mailchimp partner.

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Ready to grow your business?